Trojan.Boaxxe Malware Virus Removal

Remove Boaxxe Trojan virus

What is Boaxxe.dll Virus?

Boaxxe Trojan comes as malware and then converts into a Trojan and gets in the most cunning way in the infected system. This virus enters into a user’s system majorly because of some security issue or system exploit.


Trojan.Boaxxe. works as a BHO (Browser hijacker Object) which is a .dll file that functions as an extension for the web client because the primary file acts like a boat hook up on the most commonly used browser hijacker and redirects traffic to a specific malicious website.


Trojan. Boaxxe is a backdoor Trojan which steals your valuable information as a cyber-theft.

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It searches and scans the infected system for any traces of valuable information and transfers them to the cyber criminal’s server to be used for future attacks.


The gathered information is saved and takes the form of encrypted registry strings that are updated continuously by this Trojan.

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Boaxxe.dill also works like adware because it pop up unwanted ads as it redirects online search results to the most visited websites.


The Trojan to increase and inflate web counter statistics sends HTTP requests to fake clicks on banner advertisements.


When the victim accidentally clicks on Trojan.Boaxxe, it starts creating malicious files like

Malicious Files Added by Trojan.Boaxxe:



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Associated Windows Registry Entries:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sr\”ImagePath” = “system32\DRIVERS\sr.sys”

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sr\”Start” = “0”

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sr\Parameters\”FirstRun” = “0”


Associated Windows Registry Subkeys:






Harmful Effects of this Trojan-


The Trojan will alter the registry of your windows as per itself malicious features. This feature further adds a number of entries so that each time you start and log into the windows, it will run this infected code.

How to remove to Trojan.Boaxxe virus

This Trojan permits the remote cyber attacker to access the computer from their location and enter your computer without your permission and then it starts to build a backdoor port, serving as an attacker’s duct.

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Post entering and establishing the internal connection, the cyber attacker takes control of the computer and collect and steal sensitive data like username and passwords.


To make its existence felt as Trojan will make efforts to connect to different locations like infected websites, remote servers, and file-sharing networks to download and execute more threats.


Methods for it to enter your system?

Trojan. Boaxxe slyly gets added into the infected machine via various methods such as-Clicking and opening spam messages and junk mail, surfing malicious and porn websites which slows down the computer, peer to peer sharing of files and data gives it a way to get added along with free programs downloaded from infected sites.


Generally, it will make you limited your access even to the system’s data leading to severe data loss. That’s why it is advised to remove Trojan immediately by using the best antivirus of 2018 in India known as ITL.


How to remove to Trojan.Boaxxe virus?

Make sure your computer has a good anti-virus which can catch and stop any cyber threat. As this is a backdoor Trojan it is vital to prevent its entry, we want to delete it ASAP, and we recommend the most effective by our highly recommended tool which is free malware removal tool which will scan and eliminate all kinds of the virus threat.


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